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13. Sept. 2018
In Forum is live
What is this project and why are you trying to rebrand everything? You have the incorrect versions of LUNI on the downloads. While you think you can just renumber them to make it easier or something, that isn't how it works. There are versions ranging from 0.1 to 0.8 and specifying if it has MySQL or not doesn't define which version it is. In the "Important Stuff" tab, you have "RakNet 3.25" linking to lcdr's PyRakNet. Please specify it as such, if at all. is the real RakNet source. Why do you have the people that you do on the downloads page? Tim Tech contributed nothing to LU, he just kinda did what you are doing and reuploaded everything under his own brand. Matthew isn't the only developer for DLU. I am one as well, as well as being an admin for LUCH. But even more importantly than me, is Darwin and Neal, the founders of DLU. You are missing a plethora of people, and including people that aren't that important to the progress of LU (Gismoskip... Why did you include him, lol?). On the Discord page, you have LUCH linked as LOOK.... The worlds page is a direct copy/paste from the luniserver site. You could clean that up a little. There are several instances where the english is fairly borked. Good day! Everyone's mom -- Raine


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